Personal Message
Hello! The name's Anna, and I've been on hiatus from rping for almost a year now, so please bare with me as I struggle to learn to rp again. Until June 19, I'll be somewhat slow with replies, because I am an incompent freshman . >.> I usually do not forget to reply, but if it's been more than two weeks, I'm terribly sorry and please give me a nudge. Being a para writer by habit, I, like many others, can't tolerate one-liners, so please try to give me at least paragraph to work with; otherwise, I'm afraid I will not reply. My timezone is EST/GMT-5.     



I never did like endings.

"The world was once a silent movie. Black, white and most of all, grey. "

Ara considers her childhood to be nothing significant, or at least, undeserving of tragic backstory status. She was elder sister to seven brothers and heir to her family business of an onsen chain. Her family bounced from country to country from business purposes, but primarily stayed in Asia. Although much was to be on her shoulders as oldest, her parents were lenient, even when she decided the family business wasn’t for her. Ara just wanted to graduate high school quietly, find a job, and get married or alternatively, become a neighborhood’s cat lady. So, they let her be. All was well.

"It felt like it was never ending. But you know how the saying goes: you never truly appreciate things until they are gone - or almost gone."

At a tender age of 18, she and a few of her brothers got into a car accident in Hongdae, South Korea. Luckily, no one was injured, excluding the two cars involved; nonetheless, everyone was sent to the hospital to ease their mother’s concern.

"Once I began seeing colour, it was too late. "

Shortly after, the daily routine was resumed. Nothing had changed, aside from Ara’s reluctance to discuss the incident; no one had time to pry for the fact that business was slow for her family, so many of their bathhouses were shut down. Three months after the accident, she left the country suddenly, leaving only a note stating her desire to travel. Having departed in the night, no one was able to stop nor confront her. Her family decided not to ponder on her decision, for they knew she was a capable daughter and sister; yet, there was always a lingering question of why?

eargasm: RUNAWAY - KARA

eyecandy: you.










coming soon.

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