Personal Message
a prisoner(of askaban)
november 27th, 1992
y, free, and single
why do you dream so dangerously?
Park Chanyeol
Let me explain why i'm here.... i killed my father. The reason? Do you really want to know? Fine. He was a nice man at first when I was only a kid, he played ball with me, took me on bike rides and all that . My mother died after giving birth to me... My dad seen a lot of other women after that, he changed. He started doing drugs with these stupid es and took me for granted when I had money and he didn't. He beat me, almost killed me. But when I was living on my own... It wasn't all better like it was suppose to. He kept coming to me and disrupting my home. I may have been wreck less in doing what I /had/ to do. He me, not only once but twice and I couldn't take it anymore. He told me I was just like my mother- that my last straw and I killed him with a kitchen knife. Now... A little bit about me. i get deprived of everything so, just be aware of things that might happen. I don't harm anyone who approaches me- as long as you keep your hands to yourself I'm fine with you. other then that.... i think we have everything covered. good bye to you.

