Personal Message
The painful past luhan faced as a child was all the harsh punishment by his father be it beatings or just rough for his father's own entertainment , the many near deaths situation he faced and the countless times he wished he had just died instead of living and suffer. The maid of the house was the only one who took pity on him and takes care of him by treating every single wound inflicted on him by his father , sometimes even sneaking food into his room and giving it to him telling him to eat it and gain back the energy to continue living. Luhan couldn't bare to stay in the house anymore and decided to leave at the age of 16 , the maid helped him plan and assist his great escape out of the living hell of his home for 16 years. Luhan then wandered the streets , constantly starving and he had a condition that was unknown of. His chest would feel tight and it'll lead him to coughing hard amd sometimes even coughing out some blood. That condition would take its attack anytime hence there wasn't a direct cause of it. One day while roaming about the streets looking for food and new clothes he was abducted and brought to the mansion to be a slave and pleasure every master or keeper that are living in the mansion. The masters reminded him of his father who always tortured him , luhan gave up after that failed escape only facing his greatest fears once again. He wished that he'll one day be set free from the chain that was tied to his ankle to prevent him from escaping and hopefully meeting a master whom he would more than be willing to serve for the rest of his life and love him.