
Name: Kim Myungsoo 

age: 19 

Position: slave 

Bio: Myungsoo was still a teenage boy when his mother had passed away due to cancer. Her hospital treatment wasn't that easy, either. It costed lots of money, and for them to be able to pay their debts and everything else, Myungsoo started working part time job after school. But after graduating, instead of going to college just like all of his other friends, he started working. His dream was to become a professional doctor, or at least a man who can be happy with his work. But no, instead, he had put everything in his mind and soul into working and providing money. And he was the only one in the family to actually work. His dad became alcoholic years ago, and Myungsoo did everything to stop him, only to fail. The debts were getting more and more everyday, and Myungsoo had no other option than to become a slave so their money could be payed off. He knew that he will be stuck in this place probably for the rest of his life, but be only wished for a miracle to happen, and that one day he could go out and see how his father is doing.