Personal Message
i claim your ever since this day bae. Yew are now mineu /makes grabby hands/ you're such a greaseball and that's why your rong bae lurbs yew. i left a mark on your neck so no one will touch you. /slapped/ rong bae will always love yew and ish very thankful for being part of my life. <3 rong loves lulu's and his tail B) Wo ai ni greaseball e u e ohohoho and yes our family will continue to grow like our love /shot three children and more to come! /shot i love you bae c;
lurong is real
manly father, luhan and rongmama
the children
first born (???), jongin and baby girl, eunji
darling, hyejeong and big eyes, kyungsoo
about me:
hello there stalker. chororong hereu, the twin of pororo. i'm a penguin and lulu's is mineu. hahah. that's right. he's mineu now so now touchy. /shot/ i dunno what to say anymore. /coughs/ chororong is a byun. you have been warned/coughs/ you saw nothing. e u e people call me mamarong because i am a mother of four children and counting /shot. adioss stalker. if you wanna know moar. talk to me and bring me donuts.
Message to lover:
i claim your ever since this day bae. Yew are now mineu /makes grabby hands/ you're such a greaseball and that's why your rong bae lurbs yew. i left a mark on your neck so no one will touch you. /slapped/ rong bae will always love yew and ish very thankful for being part of my life. <3 rong loves lulu's and his tail B) Wo ai ni greaseball e u e