Personal Message
hi my name is oh taeha. i'm 23 or something like that and my best friends are Sejun and Seolhyun. I like to dance and eat and go shopping with Seolhyun. Seolhyun loves me a lot. So does Sejun. Seolhyun still owes me a trip to her dance studio. While I was waiting for that trip to the dance studio, I learned many things about how amazing I am. I am a very supportive friend who comes to the rescue whenever my precious people fall. Seolhyun thinks I'm good looking and can attract many women, which is also a strong point for me. Sejun thinks I'm a poop. I give really nice hugs too, according to Seolhyun. Anywho, I am saying goodbye to all of you people because I have things I want to do too. I have things I'm passionate about and things that I must do on my own. I hope you support me as much as Sejun and Seolhyun do, because I know they will support me all the way. This letter didn't make any sense. Seolhyun is bad at imitating the way I talk. But it's okay, because she loves me. I'm stinky by the way.
ps. what the hell bro why do you take so many selfies.
oh taeha