Personal Message

"I am a woman of many flaws, I would prefer it if you didn't point them out."



Born in Texas, raised in New York,  Scarlett is an odd mix of country and uppertown city girl. She is overly affectionate with everyone but has a cold streak every once and awhile. 'Classy' is the first word that comes to mind when you think of her, due to her unique and perhaps, old way of thinking. Her speech is different too, she will call you Sugar, Sunshine, Dollface, Sweetie, Babydoll, and Sweet thing, but with that Texas drawl she never really shook not many men (and women) really complained. Many call her 'RED' ever since that stint she had during her early days as a model when she dyed her hair blood red. Her other nickname 'Letty' is very close to her heart and she will only allow people she is close to and trusts to call her that, simply because it was the last thing her father called her before he died.


To tell the truth, Scarlett is a bit of a femme fatale. She will break your heart to pieces if she deems your not important enough to her, but she is loyal and will tell you if something isn't working out between you and her. She is dangerous around men but isn't a homewrecker, that disgusts her and if she meets someone like that, she will not hesitate to crush him/her underneath her heeled foot. She loves to ride around on her baby blue bike, affectionatly named by her 'Baby B', and will bike around for the better part of a morning if its sunny. Can be a little hard to handle since she is flighty and has a bit of a wandering eye but when she does do that, kiss her so she'll be reminded of why she's with you. You'll be rewarded.


She loves black coffee and tea with small cakes, cliche yes, but that's what she likes. What are you going to do about it? She adores open fields full of flowers and grass, she will roll around in it only wearing her underwear when no ones watching. She likes pools but prefers lakes with waterfalls that are warmed by the sun.

Her ideal man

Coming soon~






A few of her complicated yet simple (if you really think) thoughts. [read these so you can understand her and maybe, just maybe, she'll marry you.]

"When I die I want my last words to be, 'I left a million dollars underneath my vanity mirror'."

"I procrastinate, yes I do. Sometimes I throw a fit for a reason you will never know and there will be times I say I hate you. But if you can't love me during those times then you don't deserve it when I say I love you."

"I want a passion that never fizzles out, I want a love that has me crying for more, and a slow burning in my belly that grows hotter every minute I'm with you."

"I'm the best Christmas gift you will ever get, unwrap me fast before someone else does."


Quotes she might pull on you

“He looked like the kind of man I could fall in love with. Trouble is, he was standing next to the kind of man I’d like to make love to. 

"The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open."

"Tis better to be silent and thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt."

"You do you and I'll do me, problem with that? Go speak to my secretary."

"If its meant to it will be."

"Don't cross your bridges before you get there."

"You love me? Then I love you too, but maybe not for long."

"I don't hate you, I just don't want to see your face for a little while."

"Some say they like it hot, but I love it when the heat is so scorching the tips of my hair burns."

"I don't smoke, I don't want to get the fumes on my Gucci."


I am...Scarlett Johansson. Your friendly neighborhood Femme Fatale.