Personal Message
![Last Updated : June 21 qcS9HzT.png](
Yo poopies o u o this is Choi Junhong who is also known as Jelo bby of BAP. I'm the giant maknae of dem trolls and i cherish my hyungs a lot and i mean it when i say a lot they mean lots to me o w o. So dont dare hurting them okay i'll come after you like jelly beans and haunt you everywhere ^^ (ps uses scary emoji so looks scary-) ? o w o. Um. what do i write here other than that tbh <-<. >->. <-> chameleon u w u-- omf this is seriously scareh-seriously what do i write here cries liek a whale- wait how does whales cray- omf. Anyways my trolling bros are DaeDae hyung, Himmie Hyung, Gukkie Hyung. We are BAD together.(Best Absolute Derp, aka BAD, get it, get it?) my children are Baektato and Yurawrar so if you want my children you have to get my blessings first u n u.
Last but not least there is my dwarf Suminnie. Yush she is mine u n u /slapped to death by sahunnie- Firstly i have to say i cherish you lots oghei, ----um if i were to express my love for you, i love you more than tomatoes /sh0t for not being romantic. There are times that i cant show my feelings as much as i like to -since an awkward tomato coughs- but believe in my love for you okay?I just dont know how to express my feelings for you. But i promise to get over it with time okay? And I'll cling to you like a koala clings to trees, because i never ever want to leave you. So you are stuck with me unless you dump my huehuehue < 3