


can't nobody, can't nobody hold us down. 


→I am Lee Chaerin and I don't bite! I can have attitude, but I'm a dork, I swear.

Nothing holds me down, yet I'm too friendly to say no.

want to learn about me? Talk to me.

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about me


the almighty name is → Lee Chaerin.
became the best on 
→ Feb. 26.
been living all my life in → KoreA.
i'm a proud asian 

i don't work i sleep → Rapping and Fashion.
fandoms → vip & blackjack.
Relationship? → Crushing~

mood ⇒ Fabulous.
eyecandy ⇒ Everyone.
on replay ⇒ Blue.
cravings ⇒ Oreos.
what's on my mind ⇒ How beautiful I am.

» layout by nerdylollipops © 2013 «

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