Personal Message

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Just a lost soul waiting to find the end of the road.

Park Chanyeol is a complicated character composed of confusion and complexity. He shines bright in the dark because the day outshines him. (He'll make you laugh during hard times but otherwise he's a bit of a .) He likes to feign intelligence but lacks judgement. (Big words don't always mean smart. They say that the smartest people have the least common sense.) He strives for perfection but overvalues imperfection. (He has his insecurities.) He hates messes but he makes them. (Don't worry, he's still perfectly hygenic.) He is a tall man, but short on sentimental emotion and human interaction. (Awkwardness is guaranteed.) A living paradox on two, clumsy feet.

Fair warning: the more you get the know him, the more you'll wonder on how much crack he takes on a timely basis of 12 minute intervals.

Being a freelance occupant, Chanyeol finds himself immersed in a lot of spare time. He has spent that on rapping, writing, playing the guitar, piano, and taking up an extra course in literature and philosophy. (The thing is, he's not as bright as you'd expect him to be.) He has quite plain and quirky interests, but strangely enough, he's such a colourful character. People like sweet but he likes bland. People like puppies but he hates the latter. (He has a tiny, tiny fear of big dogs.) People like flowers but he prefers the artificial grass.

He swings both ways. He has no set ideal. He loves who he loves, both flaws and perfections, and gender won't matter too much for him. (Although, a little bit of attitude and spunk is always a great turn on for this man.)

General Information

Name: Park Chanyeol ual Orientation: Biual
Date of Birth: November 27, 1992 Occupation: Freelance journalist
Age: 21 Location: Seoul, South Korea
Gender: Male Ethnicity: Korean



Out Of

One liners, please don't talk to me. (Because I don't think I can be very nice.) GMT+10. Replies on an irregular basis, only when bothered, but when I do reply, I make it a good one. (Unless I seriously can't be ed.) Disclaimer: I might utter profanities a lot. Note: all admins are real-life friends so we're in the same timezone. Don't mind if we're all unresponsive at one point.


Bad Memory || Available 
For someone who can retain complex information, Chanyeol's pretty forgetful. So when you see him again and excitedly hug him for the first time in years, expecting a tighter hug in return, it doesn't happen. It's shocking, of course, that he doesn't remember you at all. Who are you, he asks. So what are you to him? Help him remember. Get his number. Text him. Annoy him like hell. Do whatever you can to get him to realize how important you were to him.

Opposite Attract? || Available
You and Chanyeol were polar opposites during highschool years. You were short. He was a giant on crack. You took chips with your burger. You liked the peace and quiet. He destroyed the peace and quiet. You were neat and clean in class. He wreaked havoc wherever he went. So when you see him coming on his way down the street from the grocery store, you scream at him because he's the polar opposite. You carry your groceries, he drops his all over you.

Exchanging Favours || Available
Admit it, Chanyeol's done a lot of favours for you in highschool. He covered for you when you had to skip out on school for that indie band concert in the city. He bought you lunch a few whole lot of times when you ran out of change in your pocket because you're a thrifty hobo. He helps you study for all the upcoming exams because he's just smart and nice like that. In a few years' time, he rings you up and asks a huge favour from you.

Assistant and Companion || Available
Chanyeol's occupation isn't the most stable of jobs out there. He only gets paid for articles he writes for the Seoul paper when he journals a huge event, and its not everyday that a national situation occurs. He's slowly running out of funding. He needs help. Thankfully, he bumps into you one day, and you are the perfect help for him. At first, he asks you to be his simple errand do-er: grab him a cup of expresso, go to Myeongdong with him, do this and do that. But as time progresses, you find out that he needs more than an assistant, but a companion by his side. 

Plot title || Available
[Insert some lame idea with descriptive language to make myself sound  like a more creative and interesting person]




now playing: halo//come on now
jung younghoon
i on thee peasant
agathokakological. (adj.)  composed of both good and evil.

a lazy man. Give me love like her. Because lately I've been waking up alone. Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt. Told you I'd let them go,and that I'll fight my corner. Maybe tonight I'll call you. After my blood turns into alcohol. No, I just want to hold you.
From first meetings and awkward greetings, it is clear that this man is quite a handful to bear from the get go. To some, first impressions are shamlessly conceited and suave, balanced with a healthy amount of gentlemanly aura and everything warm, kind and fluffy romanticism. 

But it is a universal truth to never judge a book by its cover, or content, for that matter. jung younghoon is unpredictable and insanity hidden beneath a cloak of presentable calmness. it's not uncommon that he is sweet to the ladies and the men, who flirts in his sly and discreet ways, but beneath the beautiful, is a masochist.
one. he secretly finds personal entertainment in the pain and torment endured by others, so he likes to tease his companions a lot (though he can't tell the difference from teasing, insulting, and bullying).
two. Consectetur urna in, eleifend lorem. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a.
three. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuereel dolor sit amet placerat.
four. Praesent non rhoncus sapien, ut lobortis elit. In nisl ipsum, rhoncus sed elementum at, fermentum non justo. Proin hendrerit mi id risus volutpat rutrum eu in nibh.
five. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet.
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