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About Me


Jinah was born into a well-off middle class family.Her mother and father were very much in love and her younger brother was the typical little brat. Jinah, who was the ugly chubby girl in middle school, went through a complete transformation when she went on a mega diet/detox and started her obsession with makeup and clothes. She  only did these things to fit in. She was always told that high school could either be the worst or best years of someone's life and she planned to make it her best. She planned to make a name for herself and become someone who would have lot's of friends. 

As Jinah got into her first year of High School, people started to take notice of the girl and how much she had changed. Guys wanted to date her and girls hated her for being so pretty and nice at the same time. Jinah was happy she was accepted but never did she have a true genuine friend who liked her for her personality rather than her popularity. It was like this for Jinah all throughout High school, and her only escape from all the superficial people was through the mangas she read. She wanted to live in a manga world, but she never told anyone that and would never tell anyone that.

Jinah is socially awkward but people around her see it as cute. She has a nervous habit of biting her lip and playing with her hair, but she is still very sweet. She's not the type to talk to someone first, unless she wants to. Whenever she's not at a photoshoot she usually in her room in her studio apartment, in her bed sketching out new mangas. She wouldn't call herself a recluse, but she prefers the simplicity of her own home rather than the loud noises of the busy city. Plus she needs a break from travelling so much. But you will still find Jinah to be a trustworthy friend who will keep your secrets and give you the best of advice, she might even draw you a manga if youj're close enough to her.
General Information

Name: Im Jinah ual Orientation: Panual
Date of Birth: September 14, 1991 Occupation: Model/Manga Artist
Age: 21 Location: Seoul, South Korea
Gender: Female Ethnicity: Korean



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