

右肩に紫蝶々 キスをしたこの部屋の隅で 切ないと云う感情を知る 響くピアノ 不協和音 右肩に紫蝶々 キスをしたこの部屋の隅で 切ないと云う感情を知る 響くピアノ 不協和音 悪い夢にうなされた私を早く起こして どんなことでも始まりは些細なことでしょう? どこがいいかなんて 聞かれても困る綺麗な 夜に惑わされたまま行方不明だから 長いまつげ 三日月アイライン まぶたに乗せて光るリップ 右肩に紫蝶々 キスをしたこの部屋の隅で 切ないと云う感情を知る 響くピアノ 不協和音 右肩に紫蝶々 キスをしたこの部屋の隅で 切ないと云う感情を知る 響くピアノ 不協和音 雨の中で濡れた 髪が異常に冷たくて 寂しさをトイレに吐き出して震えて待ってる 追いかけては逃げるからそれ以上で返して 真剣だから笑うと痛い目に遭うよいい 赤い爪と 安物の指輪 傷付く度増えるピアス 抱き寄せて 歪んだ体 埋めるのはあなたしかいない そうでしょう? わかってるくせに 境界線とっくに越えてる 後悔は死ぬほどしてる その分だけ快感を呼び覚ます 狂いだした 私を止めて 一瞬でラクにしてよ 抱き寄せて 歪んだ体 埋めるのはあなたしかいない そうでしょう? わかってるくせに 境界線とっくに越えてる 後悔は死ぬほどしてる その分だけ快感を呼び覚ます 狂いだした 私を止めて 一瞬でラクにしてよ 右肩に紫蝶々 キスをしたこの部屋の隅で 切ないと云う感情を知る 響くピアノ 不協和音 .
in every single subject at high school, even if he didn't have the highest grade, kim taehyung stood out in some way. this should've made him massively unpopular, but it was the complete opposite to that. he was a little social butterfly; he knew everyone and everyone knew him. and he maintained this status throughout high school, thanks to his parents' liberty with house parties and such. though unfortunately he developed a kind of -ish personality whenever something didn't go his way. it was entertaining to see, though, that the fact that he got tutored in each subject and loved schoolwork really did contradict him.
little extra : despite his popularity and love for parties, he was a massive, massive nerd when it came to mangas and animes. anything from shoujo to shounen would suffice when it came to him. locking himself in his room with the complete set of Death Note was just as fun as going to house parties to him, and that was what he often did. his obsession was the main reason he excelled in art at school — a lot of the time you would find him doodling on scrap pieces of paper and every now and then he'd even give them away as presents of some sort. (coughcoughcoughcoughcoughcough) and in the past few years he developed a loving soft spot for the comic Kuroko no Basket, so don't be surprised if you find him spacing out somewhere with a simpering look on his face. he will be in the middle of fantasising about Tetsuya.
post high school : after high school he didn't really know what to do, mainly because he was 'oh so gifted' in every subject, and simply started messing around downtown with his friends. he had once commented on a dj's set at the club they were in, disapproving of the mood the songs gave the place and stuff like that, but the club owner overheard him and confronted him, wanting to know if he could do any better. so he went up to the decks and started playing the songs he hoped the crowd would like, and despite his awkwardness they all enjoyed it anyway. after that little success the club owner offered him an education in djing, so now he goes to ' dj school ' and can't wait to finally be good enough to play in the most well known clubs around.
ooc crap : yes yes yes, bonjour to y'all. o/ now, first things first. i try my best to write a block of text to everyone, okay, so i will cut you if you give me a one-liner. e n e yeah, that's basically it. /slapped. other than that, my timezone is gmt + 0 and i'm so super lazy most of the time. o r z. don't expect more than one reply a day, especially if we're doing third pov. plus my phone is being a bit of a prick lately ( it's taking five billion years for it to load a website ) and that's made me less enthusiastic as well. not my fault tbh, muahaha. e u e but on a side note, i'm always on my phone. yep, that's all. kthnxbye. u o u and MoBiLe UsErS aRe NoT lAmE.