Personal Message





Mia was getting bullied because he looks so much like a girl and he gets
abused by his foster parents so in order to get rid of the pain in his heart he
cuts himself and one day he ran away when he couldn't take the abuse anymore and that's
when he found himself at 'The Lucifer Mansion'. He doesn't know how he got there
or when he got there but it was better than living out in the cold but he was a bit alone
since he was the only one or so he thought in that huge mansion all by himself.
He hated being alone so he started harming himself again it wasn't much damage until
his 'evil angel' came and encouraged him to keep harming himself to get rid of the
pain in his heart. 


                                   Machoist  Monophobia/Astraphobia  Blood Type O 17 

           mood:☑☑☑  | thoughts:❤❤❤ | eyegasm:☮☮☮  | eargasm:♪♪♫♪




My Life











 Astraphobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.(Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia)
Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself. (Monophobia)