Personal Message
- GMT +0 // UK
- semi fast replier
- will accept any lines
- prefers 1st pov but can do 3rd (Tho I at it)
- wanna plot? Then just ask ouo
- since I'm head admin I'm in charge B| but I ain't so strict bish no
- my characters are always like they're high.
You know you love me c;
Psh go away I love no one -.-
Don't you love me? ;;
I'm ual ouob
*hides my perfect *
Hey, kyungsoo here ovo I gave up on layouts honestly orz umm I'm a language teacher and currently taken. Okei pls come and talk to me even tho I reply late to you people. I swear I ain't scary.
Le Friends: (Whether it be IC or OOC)
Sehunnie \/ Dongy \/ Runner \/ Jongdae \/ Taemin \/ Suga \/ Yesing \/ Leo
taken by: Luhan
date: 06.10.14