Personal Message

     Jung Taekwoon

»  age? 19

» what did they name you? Jung Taekwoon, but call me Leo.

» what's your height, blo-? Let me do the talking. can you reach my lips at 183 cm? the blood type is O.

» poker face is de nickname, call me whatever but if its something I don't approve I will hit you. I'm not a people person but I can be a good kitty. I'm shy but I have claws. Don't forget that.

He seems like a nice tame kitty but understand this. Rub him the wrong way and you'll lose more than a finger. He tends to be very mean and quiet to the people he doesn't like, harvesting hatred and a grudge on them until the day they cease to exist. Once you're on his bad side it's very hard to get back on his good side. Those on his good side will be kept safe from any harm he could dish out. He'll let you pet him sometimes and might even play with you. If you're lucky.  Also he's  a black cat so it's rumored that he might bring you bad luck. He's also known for being a straight A student.

» Why am I here? Leo wanted to have the freedom of being in his cat form whenever he pleases on campus. He also figured that if he went to a human school eventually he'd go into form, get taken off campus, and taken to a shelter where it'd be more than embarrassing to have to explain why he was in a cats cage and when he changes back into human form. Plus they may put him in a mental hospital if he tells them what he is if he doesn't prove it. So to stop complications he comes to this school in hoping to get good grades and learn how to control his powers better (even though he's already got his powers almost completely figured out).

Unlike most  students he had what some called the perfect childhood. His family was rich, father working as a CEO for a music company and mother working as a CEO for a fashion company. Throughout his life he was privileged. Wore the best brands, took lessons from the best music teachers and sport coaches, was taught about his abilities early on, drove in the best cars, and read from the most acclaimed books.  He had what people called 'the high life'. This is Leo's second reason for leaving. He doesn't want the perfect life. He just wants a calm one where he can be on his own and not have his parents breathing down his neck about becoming successful and marrying the best wife/husband available (who were all dull as paper in Leo's opinion). So he hardly lets people know his first name, let alone who he really is. 

» one more question? what do you want?

» species? shapeshifter (black cat)

what's the reason of his smile?

love status; single taken complicated heartbroken lost looking

oriention; straight boys birls

ideal type; someone who knows how to rub me the right way

Likes; yarn, sunlight, comfy chairs/sofas, naps, people who don't talk much, being in cat form

Dislikes; Skinship(most of the time), dogs/werewolves, clothes(it's like making a cat wear a sweater), shoes

the lucky ones who get to see me laugh.

-name- name- name- name-

my life belongs to them, vixx


hyuk - hongbin - ken - n - ravi - leo




Character Name: Jung Taekwoon/Leo

Group: Vixx


Species: Shapeshifter (black cat)

Orientation: Biual


Writing Sample:
Leo quietly walked through the halls, sticking to the shadows. As he saw the crowds becoming more crowded he knew he'd never make it to class like this. Sighing, he duck his head down and stretched his back. In seconds his body had shrunk from his usual tall and big human body to a small and agile cats. He ran through the halls, dodging people's feet as he dragged his bag behind him with his teeth. He rolled his eyes as girls cooed at him, trying to pet him as he passed. Luckily he got into his classroom just before the bell, changing back into his human form and quickly putting on his clothes as he walked to his desk. 

He glanced up at the call of his name when he sat down. "Yes sir?" He asked. The teacher arched his brow motioning to his chest. He looked down, just now becoming aware that he had forgotten to put on his shirt. His cheeks heated up as he grabbed his extra grey sweater, quickly putting it on then hiding his face as his classmates around him laughed. "I trust this will be the last time Mr. Jung." His teacher called. He nodded and glanced up. "Yes sir." He said quietly.

Password: Obey Me!



"Rub Me The Right Way" (closed, male/female, , fluff)

Leo is sleepy after a long day of school but you being his best friend come over to his room. He's less responsive than usual and hardly pays attention to what your doing. Even if that includes rubbing his back and touching him when on a normal day he would scratch your eyes out. Do you want to go as far as taking advantage of him? It's not like he's not too tired to care.

"How Do You Know?" (Open, male/female, don't care)

Leo has been keeping a secret from everyone. All of his friends don't have a clue about who he really is. That he's Jung Taekwoon, the heir to his father's and mothers companies.  About to be the biggest fashion icon and music icon in the nation. And he's happy with being considered normal, seen as an everyday person. But that's all in danger. You find out who he is and tell him you know. But what exactly do you plan to do with that information? And are you brave enough to blackmail the nation's next big icon?

"I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In" (open, male/female, drama and potential )

You're Taekwoons one and only ex. The only person his parents approved of, the person that knew Taekwoon inside out. You had him swooning over you, and broke his heart after he said he wanted to wait when it came to . And now you're back again. Whether he wants to admit it or not part of his heart may always belong to you. Are you here to reclaim that spot in his heart and push his current lover out of his life? Or just to toy with him and finish what you started? Either way you'll be starting a lot of trouble.