Personal Message

I am my own nightmares. I am my own fears.

personality and background


Oh Sehun

age: 20

sector: ventus

PERSONALITY ONE: the original Oh Sehun. a quiet, unassuming boy, who doesn't socialize much with others. He's got an easy going, calming aura about him, yet is prone to mood swings that come at an alarming rate. He's clueless and often ridiculously gullible. He's the kind of guy who wouldn't hurt a fly, if he had a say in anything; as such, he despises his abilites, and considers them to be devilish and disgusting.

PERSONALITY TWO: the five year old Oh Sehun. a personality that developed when his mother first began to call him a monster. He takes on the persona of a toddler, teary-eyed and confused and quick to anger. In this state, he doesn't know his own strength, so he is quite dangerous. At the age of five, he had murdered his own half-sister by mistake; thus, when the young Oh Sehun appears, he will be scared and confused, possibly even denying that anything is his fault, and will attempt to run away from any and all authority.

PERSONALITY THREE: Solo - a persona that developed after years of rejection by his mother and remaining half-sister. He is bitter and crude, often spouting vile nonsense in order to get you to leave him alone. He claims to be a murderer, and will not hesitate to wrap his fingers around your throat; he is hateful and spiteful.

PERSONALITY FOUR: (most dangerous): Sin- a personality that as yet remains asleep within Sehun's mind, and fortunately so. This is a cold blooded murderer- a rage-filled, psychopathic monster worse than Solo. Erratic and irrational, Sin alternates between lustful attraction and bloody vengeance. This personality is inherited from Sehun's father.

The blackouts started when he was eight years old.

No one really knew why it happened;

they simply assumed that it was another byproduct of his regrettable parentage. Child of a was a common phrase in his household. Son of a mentally deranged criminal, spawn of the devil himself- he heard it all, and often. His reality consisted of the biting, bitter sting of his mother's hatred and the acidic aftertaste of his half-sister's disgust. They hated him. Despised him. Wanted him gone. It was all familiar territory for him. He wondered if they knew the truth now- the truth about the voices in his head. The ones that urged him to kill. The ones that begged for revenge. There was only so much time that he could keep it all at bay...sooner or later, like a monsoon, he would simply burst at the seams, dissipating into oblivion and taking with him all those around him. Soon. But not yet. Oh Sehun is a wreck. He's been in and out of mental institutions for the past twelve years for what he calls "blackouts" and what others see as a personality disorder. Some doctors have diagnosed him as a psychopath; others have concluded that he's been suffering from emerging Disassociative Identity Disorder. Whatever the truth may be, having destructive powers stirring within him hasn't helped much. He's terrified of himself- and he has every right to be, if what his mother says is true. As the son of a man who murdered his own parents, his son(sehun's infant brother), and attempted to kill his wife, Oh Sehun is seen as a monster in his own house. Sehun is all nerves and hesitance. He's fickle- childishly happy one moment, bitingly angry and cruel the next. His blackouts occur all too frequently, and he is terrified of falling asleep at night.

who can save you from yourself?

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who am i really?