Personal Message
I most 3rd pov para. But I will 1st. If you ask I will tell you 3rd, unless I'm feeling very lazy.
If I don't reply to you poke me once. If I don't reply again I probably am not in the mood to talk.
If you want to , thats fine, I love . But you must 3rd pov. I normally don't 1st . Maybe if I really really like you.
Please don't be scared to talk to me, I'm really nice I promise!
Sometimes I forget to log out on my phone so it says I'm online, I may not be.. So If I don't reply right away don't get mad.
I live in the USA, but I'm not from here, grammar is not a problem with me, I mess up my self.
For my Lay:
I do like , so you have to be able to .
Sehun will top or bottom, its doesn't mater to me, honesy.
3rd is a must of. But sometimes we can 1st if its a little long..
I will do multi paragraph replies if thats what you like.
Other wise it will be between 3-8 sentences.
I will NOT 1st pov .