Personal Message
~GMT+4 is my timezone
~I roleplay in first and third POV both. Only you'll have to wait longer for third
~I love plotting! It's a bit of a relief to know what you're going to do, to be very honest. But I prefer to think it up with you since I don't have any plots at the moment, sorry.
~My replies sometimes turn out a bit late, please don't think I'm ignoring you. I'm just a busy (or lazy) person. But I will reply to you don't worry. If I dont reply in 2-3 days, gimme a poke.
orientation; straightruler | flexibleruler | twistedruler
status; taken | crushing | single (But wants secretly wants kris who wants him but doesnt want to admit it) | notinterested
my type; Them tall blondes ;)
Mood ; Pissed | Thoughts ; kicking a certain blonde | Feelings ; Confused/Conflicted/Whatever