Full name: Desmond G. Hay
Nickname(s) or Alias: Des, or Dez
Gender: Male
Species: Wizard
Age: 16
Birthday: march 15
uality: -up to you-
Nationality: Irish
Religion: -up to you-
City or town of birth: Dublin
Currently lives: Dublin 
Languages spoken: English
Native language: English
Relationship Status: taken by mystery person, but gets dumped a lot
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 148 lbs
Figure/build: swimmers body, lean and muscled.
Hair colour: black
Hairstyle: quiff
Eye colour: brown
Skin/fur/etc colour: cacuasion 
Tattoos: none
Piercings: eyebrow percing on right brow.
Scars/distinguishing marks: none
Preferred style of clothing: graphic tees and jeans.
Frequently worn jewellery: brow ring.
Smoker? no
Drinker? no
Drug User? Which? no
Addictions: popcorn and soda
Allergies: none
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: ADHD
Any medication regularly taken: medication for his ADHD
Likes:  pranks, ferrets, pizza, swimming
Dislikes: failing tests, getting in trouble, birds
Fears/phobias: Close spaces.
Favourite colour: Green.
Hobbies: Playing video games and getting into trouble.
Taste in music: Punk Rock and Indie.
Talents/skills: Can twist his tounge, can write with both hands.
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? Cannot drive worth anything, takes floo powder and broom instead.
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore: Omnivore, but if Pizza was an animal he would be a carnivore.
Favourite food(s):  Pepporoni and pepper pizza
Favourite drink(s): Mello Yellow
Disliked food: carrots
Disliked drinks: Tea
Describe the character's house/home: Lives between his mothers cottage and his brothers loft.
Significant/special belongings: Wand.
Level of education: Hogwarts student, in Gryffindor.
Current job title and description: Student.
Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Agressive, but knows when to quit.
Fighting skills/techniques: A bit of all over the place since he cant quite focus.
Special skills/magical powers/etc: Patronus is a labradoodle.
Weapon of choice (if any): wand
Weaknesses in combat: staying focused on one target
Strengths in combat: powerful blasts and quick on feet
Parents names: Amilea and Stuwart
Are parents alive or dead? alive
Is the character still in contact with their parents? Lives with mother.
Siblings? Relationship with siblings? Older brother - looks up to brother as a father figure, older sister- close, but not as close as her and Ren.
Other Important Relatives: father
Partner/Spouse: mystery partner - you can make this up-
Children: none
Best Friend: not known
Other Important Friends: Finnian Ulrey
Pets: Ferret named snowflake
Enemies? Why are they enemies? James Potter, ( both liked the same girl once and then James stole his place in Qudditch, really its just a frienemies deal)
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): Was born 6 years after his sister, all of the Hay children were magical. He was the baby of the family and was very loved, he was very sad when his siblings left to go to hogwarts.
Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19):  once at hogwarts he was sorted into Gryffindor and from there worked his way up until his 4th year when the war happened, luckily for him he was sent to St. Mungos beforehand due to a potion backfire the day before it happened.
Now as a 5th year he returns to Hogwarts to finish up his schooling.