Personal Message
“ I told myself if there was something I was best at, then this would belong to me.  
— P. Chanyeol

    For 23 yeard old Park Chanyeol, leather jackets, styled hair, and ripped jeans aren't just a fashion statement, their a way of life. He was always a happy go lucky sort of person. He went with the flow of the day, living each one as it came. Even when he struggled, he never let it show.  
He grew up with music at an early age, his father a composer, he soon learned many instruments, such as Guitar, Drums, Bass, African Drums, and Piano. He picked up his love of rock in middle school and it stuck with him through high school, where he and a few friends created a local rock band. 
     The band split after high school however, due to separation, and though he still talks to the friends. His major is music composition and film editing.  
     Chanyeol however, never gave up on his dream for having a band, possibly getting famous and known world wide. So he created his band Red X, where he is to be the lead guitarist and vocalist. He needs four more members though, and that's what he's searching for as he counts down to the annual battle of the bands competition that the college holds. 
Bus Card

Red X

