Personal Message
A Really Short Message to Peeps
Hello! I've just wanted to say that we could be really good friends! Um, I'm not quite sure how to give out personal messages but I hope you have a fun time socializing with me? That'd be great! I'd like it if we were friends. I think that's all I have to say. Please don't be afraid to approach me and have fun. Thanks!


About the Dancing Machine
Kai isn't someone who you'd call an introvert; he's socially outgoing and prefers to go out in groups instead of being alone. He's quite loud and he has an obvious passion for dancing. Dubbed as a dancing machine, he can really dance well. He might be a bit grumpy at times and tends to go into moodswings at some days, but if you really get to know him, you might just have a great time. He's easy to be with and you wouldn't feel uncomfortable with him.




eighteen years old | obsessed with dancing | feeling high atm