Personal Message
Park Jiyeon.
marriage is like surprised , the effects last for a life time.
#the more you scroll the more you get.
THE ABOUTS: Jiyeon is the name my parents think suits me best, not knowing what exactly i should say here, but oh well, since this spot shall get filled by words, i will just try my best to fill it. so coming to the point, i'm a straight forward girl, i say what i think, do take what i say seriously and don't mistake it with a joke, i'm not joking all the time. ohoho. what else? i like to do some heavy skinship with the people i'm close with especially with the guys e u e jk jk jk i'm not like that,i'm actually pretty awkward with guys tbvh. i can be blunt with a light coating of sugar but when you're in the wrong expect my full honesty and a answer to help yourself. i don't like people with a cold demeanor,how do you expect people to actually want to be your friend when you push them away? so i can't waste my time on people like that. .don't judge me unless i present you with something to. do remember my name, let me repeat, park jiyeon.
OOC CORNER: detailed first pov preferred, expecting same amount of responses, most active on weekends, gmt +1 // don't poke me, don't give me one liners otherwise, don't wonder why i shamelessly ignore your post. let me tell you, i'm honestly would say that i'm a face chaser but it's not like i'd reply to my biases or friends in ooc only, no, i'm 'facechasing' my bias only when the rper seems to know how to speak english properly, not like i'm judging people with bad grammar or something. /coughs. // if you ask to rp with me, you start.
TO JJOONG BAE: to be done. Aliquam consectetur, ligula non lacinia fermentum, ipsum ipsum pulvinar felis, nec luctus lorem urna nec nunc. Nulla quis massa neque. In metus magna, elementum sed dapibus et, bibendum ut augue. Nunc mi est, facilisis eu imperdiet ultricies, tincidunt a orci. Maecenas sit amet arcu semper, ornare nunc quis, suscipit arcu. Donec vulputate justo quis leo consequat, vel aliquam elit ultrices. Aenean venenatis interdum lectus nec laoreet. Nam tempor tincidunt enim, et euismod massa ornare vel. Nullam pellentesque tempus arcu, nec semper turpis convallis ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque venenatis, neque ac ultrices auctor, purus purus aliquet tortor, non tempor eros elit a nunc. Nunc gravida lacus dolor, vitae scelerisque turpis consectetur ac. Donec eu aliquam mi. Praesent ultrices rutrum elit, non faucibus mi porta in. Duis vel dui libero. Phasellus risus eros, bibendum sit amet mi at, ultrices luctus odio. Ut at ligula nec ante egestas imperdiet sit amet et nisi. Aliquam consectetur, ligula non lacinia fermentum, ipsum ipsum pulvinar felis, nec luctus lorem urna nec nunc. Nulla quis massa neque. In metus magna, elementum sed dapibus et, bibendum ut augue. Nunc mi est, facilisis eu imperdiet ultricies, tincidunt a orci. Ut at ligula nec ante egestas imperdiet sit amet et nisi. Aliquam consectetur, ligula non lacinia fermentum, ipsum ipsum pulvinar felis, nec luctus lorem urna nec nunc. Nulla quis massa neque. In metus magna, elementum sed dapibus et, bibendum ut augue. Nunc mi est, facilisis eu imperdiet ultricies, tincidunt a orci.