Personal Message


Lee Hongbin
Age 21

Hello, I'm a little .
Some OOC stuff:

` EST (New York)

` 3rd POV is heavily preferred

` I really like to plot instead of just jumping into a random starter.

` If I don't reply within 5 days you can poke me. Unless I'm on a semi-hiatus/hiatus

` If I feel like I can't reply/have lost inspiration, I'll let you know. 
` Please do not god-mod my character.
` No one-liners pretty please.


character bio:  

Born and raised in Seoul, Hongbin was seen as the perfect child. He was always top of his class and did everything anyone asked him to do. Currently, he attends Seoul National University, his field of study being medicine with minors in photography and music. He's very care free, always seeing the brighter side of things even in the darkest of times. Upon first meeting him, he may come across as being very timid, but you'll see he's actually very talkative and loves to hangout with people. There's an air of innocence to him that people seem to drawn to. But don't be fooled by that, there's a whole other side of him once he enters the bedroom. He can either be very, very dominating or wants to be dominated, it just depends on his mood. While there are specific kinks he preffers, he's willing to try new ones if his partner wants to do so. At the moment, he's single, but not really looking for a relationship. But that doesn't mean his heart isn't open.