Personal Message
game room 1
innocent version 1
1 - roll again
2 - Step on a person's shoe
3 - Drink a glass of water form the pool
4 - Pick your nose in front of a random person
5 - Treat a person inside the cafe
6 - Confess inside the confession room about anything
innocent version 2
1 - roll again
2 - a person's cheek out of a blue
3 - Strip off one piece of your clothes
4 - Fart into someone's face
5 - Let a person slap you
6 - Say something awkward in the ooc room
mild version
1 - Lift your shirt up and flaunt your abdomen to someone else
2 - roll again
3 - Invite someone inside the ice cream parlor and a popsicle
4 - Touch somebody else's crotch out of the blue
5 - Enjoy skinny dipping inside the jacuzzi
6 - Spank a person's and tell him/her "That needs improvement."
Wild Version (clothed)
1 - Fondle someone's arse. Do so until s/he makes a sound 2 - / someone's covered and do what else you want to do after that
3 - roll again
4 - Get blindfolded and take the shirt off of someone else with your teeth
5 - Ride another person's crotch inside the bar
6 - Sniff another's armpit.
Wild version ()
1 - someone's private area
2 - another's two digits while ing
3 - Sleep with someone inside your space
4 - roll again
5 - Ask a help of someone to have something inserted inside your hole
6 - Do a flasher in front of another
Solo version
1 - post 100 times inside the spam room
2 - invade someone's space and completely fill it with your name
3 - Talk to yourself inside the ic room until the room is filled with your name
4 - Spam the rooms marked with ➩ 5 - roll again
6 - mention all the people online found on the right
Combination Version
First roll
< 1 - Innocent Version 1
2 - Innocent Version 2
3 - Mild Version
4 - Wild Version(Clothed)
5 - Wild Version ()
6 - Solo Player Version

Second roll
Do the dare corresponding to it.
torture that die
Free counters!
Second character = 2 500 points
Switch character = 2 500 points
Name change for a week = 5 000 points
Change another's name for a day = 10 000 points
Send a message on another's profile = 500 points each
make use of your points
Free counters!