Personal Message

Hey, Santos. 

Ok, so this may seem

I've been doing well without you. 

That was a lie, to make you feel terrible... You prick


I'm not going to go around the bush  beat around the bush, I miss you everyday. I know that sounds really cheesy but it's the truth. In these kind of situations (when I freak out), why did you have to be a firefighter? you would always text me 'I'm fine'. But this is an apocalypse; my protective boyfriend instincts says you're not. I would go out to find you, but the group won't let anyone leave anymore since some of the group left. Trust issues are giving me stress. I assure you, I will find a way to save you.

Since I said that, its reminding me of our years in high school. Remember that time that fire in the school burned down half the building and I was on my way  to the washroom? Yeah, who couldn't right? You apparently 'rushed to my aid like Link saving Zelda on Epona', when I was missing. My hero, and I'm still not your Zelda. Heh, I'll be Link now huh? Searching for you. Also! That's the day you asked me to be your boyfriend. You were so afraid of losing me that day that you realized anything can eaisly be taken away from you.

I can't believe that we've been together for... I don't know how many years. I think we stopped counting by the 10th year. Our first date was when we were 20. And no, I'm not counting hanging out in your room to play video games and then kissing an official date. Anyways, it was March 23, my birthday-- the day we adopted Pupcake. I'm still keeping that name. 

He's doing fine by the by.

On to a more serious matter, I don't know if you'll ever see this letter I hope not since you'll tease me but I'll take the chance to say write it now. I love you, and will always love you Leonard Santos. 

Love your trouble-prone boyfriend, 


Eden Mussino 
Birth: March 23 1980
Born: London, Ontario
Age: 34
Nationality: Canadian 
Courtney Mussino- brother/undead
Pupcake- best (dog) friend/alive
Leonard Santos- boyfriend/mia
Occupation (pre-apocalypse): At home boyfriend
Weapon choice: a baseball bat I guess
Role: The guy who is actually bad 
Basic traits: social, observant, charming 
Flaws: deceiving, selfish, vengeful
Unique Trait: college dropout