Personal Message

Yasmew Minol

I grew up on the ship, my father was the man who payed for the ship to be made, he was the creator of the whole project with a few men that helped him put this all into motion.
I was born just 2 years before the ship was scheduled to go to earth, I was made by my 2 fathers, they both died during the travel to earth, one through a cancer-like sickness and the other because of an accident on the ship.
Because of that I became the spokesperson of our species, I took over my fathers position.
Alot of Namanmores did not trust my ability to lead, since beauty is my strongest quality, but I also have my fathers aggression in me, and during heated situation that quality do come out.


Other than that, I do not like to be commited to just one person, Love is not really for me, maybe at some point it will come out, but now I prefer being single and I like to go out to parties and meet new people.


Orientation: Biual (But prefer girls, usually go after guys when I am desperate for a one night stand)