









 CAsey Fairchild


Why is an echo kept here alone, never to be seen by the light? The "answer" is...? 
ABOUT : Casey was born in Alicante, away from downworlders. Only to have influence from the Shadowhunters. Of course racism against the Downworlders are strong in Alicante, but Casey didn't turn out that way. He thinks of the downworlders as interesting people instead of bloodthirsty monsters. Now he lives in the New York Institute with Jace, Clary, Alec, and Isabelle, and is always looking for an adventure.
Casey isn't a man of many words. He enjoys watching other people and training more. His weapon of choice are twin daggers or a light bow. He isn't one to wonder in the mundane world. He is shy, but once he breaks out of his shell, he is very proud and outspoken.
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