Personal Message

Somewhat under co.



I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides your mind




Neutral Fable | KING MIDAS 


  Information | About

Once a great and greedy king I was. So greedy I prayed that I may have a touch of gold and got exactly what I so wished for. And that lead to my own great and constant misfortunes: the loss of my ability to comfortably live without turning everything I lay a hand on into solid gold, the loss of the son and the daughter I killed out of an attempt to show them love, the loss of the only wife and woman I've every truly loved.    

It would be odd of me to say I don't regret the decision I so thoughtlessly made; it would be even odder of me to say that I consider it my downfall: I did lose my family and my kingdom (for two different reasons), but I believe that since that has happened to me I've become a better being, a better king even. So, I use this as an opportunity to move on and begin a newer life.

I am currently registered under the name of Park Jiwoon, and I work as an undercover warden and a window washer to mask my position. Only occasionally am I still called by my original name, but someday, when my homeland is mine again, I hope to be called (again) King Midas.


{{Yeah, uh, this will be edited later when I feel like editing it. Sorry it might .}}


  Trivia | General Information

His date of birth is is 02 September 1987 and he is currently twenty-seven years old (by law). ▪ He is a widower and the father of two deceased children. This is so because his wife turned to gold by giving him a kiss and because he gave his children hugs (turning them to gold as well). ▪ He tends to appear either indifferent and nonchalant in the eyes of people passing by, but he's almost always planning ways to strike and kill. His mood is not easily affected by many things and he often requires some sort of stimulation (mental, physical, emotional) to care about things, one could say he's emotionless because of his general lack of mercy toward his victims and his general lack of emotion toward people and things. ▪ He is a moderately active being, but he likes to sleep in and plan attacks, so if you catch him out, prepare for unexpected bouts of violence. ▪ This section will be edited when I have more time to care for it.


  Me | Out of Character

001. First and foremost, I often do detailed script (in third person) or anything from para to novella (in both first and third person. If you have a problem with that, don't roleplay with me. I don't really care what you do, so long  as you can match the quality (and somewhat the quantity) of my posts, we'll be fine.
002. I dislike random starters on my wall, so refrain from posting them unless I say it's okay to do so. I won't reply to you and will delete your post every time you do it. I'll even consider ignoring you. This doesn't apply to you if you recieved this warning afer the fact, however.
003. Unless you are one of my trusted friends, then we will most likely be plotting with each other. Most times I at least have a little something in mind, as should you. When we actually get to the plotting, please, for the love of my sanity, be specific and answer all of the questions I may ask you. I like to get to roleplaying as quick as I possibly can since the more time I waste trying to pick your brain for details and answers, the more I start to lose interest.
004. My time zone is GMT -7, and, as I mentioned previously, patience is a requirement. I can be terribly slow at responding, so if you won't be able to handle that, don't ask to roleplay with me. And even though I understand why you might do it, don't you ing dare poke me.
005. I can be overly straightforward and/or blunt, but I try to be nice, and most times I am. I'd like it if you told me about problems you have with me that I don't know about, that way I know what I am at least apologizing for. If you think I'll figure it out on my own, you are sorely mistaken.
006. Don't try to persuade me into doing I said I won't do. I shouldn't have to say anything else about this.
007. Believe me when I say I curse often and make a hell of a lot of typos (if you couldn't already tell). Nonetheless, I am fairly chill and friendly, so don't be afraid to talk or roleplay with me.



Taken by —— and since 00. 00. 0000. Currently (dating/married to/flirting with) them.

HEY! CALL ME VIVI! This is where my regular status or update would go. I'd mention if i am on hiatus, if I am busy, what plans I want to put in action as an admin, and what have you.