Personal Message
Jo Kwangminl
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His existence was already a curse in itself, the thought of another carbon copy of him added to the horrifying yet miraculous situation that mystified their kind everywhere. Twins weren't born everyday or any century for that matter. These twins managed to somehow survive against all odds to be the first to survive being born. However, when the Kwangmin and his twin brother, Youngmin were born it was most likely the worst and best day of their parents' lives. All came to visit and partake in the viewing of the two, warning their parents what trouble they would cause in the future as they were now burdened with a curse for basically both of them breathing the same air. Their parents didn't believe the tales of the village healers and brushed them off, doting on their newly born baby boys. Later on in life, Kwangmin proved to truly be the older twin of the two despite Youngmin being born earlier.
He was much stronger than his older brother in all ways possible which made them unequal in that sense but in everything else they acted the same so it was very hard to tell the two apart; even their parents would mix them up, giving way to their mischievous nature that was embedded in them already. As they grew together, Kwangmin had to protect his brother who grew sick with the illnesses he contracted from basically anything he came in contact with that didn't agree with him. It was hard to see his own twin hurting, having to take medicine practically every time he turned around which made him always wonder why it wasn't him. Why couldn't he be sick instead of Youngmin? It wasn't fair that his other half had to be weak and that he was..what the surrounding families called 'normal'.
Late at night he would read his brother bedtime stories just to drown out the sounds of their parents bickering over the legends of their cursed birth. Soon things only got worse when Youngmin was kidnapped or more so sold off by the other kistune in the village -- wanting only money and for the curse to be lifted. That only enraged the already pissed younger twin wanted nothing more than to live peacefully with his other half -- with mischief in the mix. The younger twin vowed to find his brother again no matter what and that he would protect and devote himself fully to the older if only he could find him again. What's more is over time Kwangmin found himself becoming more and more like Youngmin, in speech, personality, gesturues, everything; without rezalizing it. He was living two lives, that of his missing brother and his own. It got better over time, yet, he still has the urge to act as his brother from time to time just to fool people.