





"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds." At least, that's what Woohyun's father used to say. Every day Woohyun would follow his father around of the field of their rice farm, watching his father drive the oxen that were pulling the plow. He would follow the man around all day, helping where he could and "learning to be a man" his father also said. Though, his mother once told the only child that she thought his father liked his company. As he grew up, Woohyun learned to be a hard worker and to be humble, though he didn't practice being humble very often. Oh, and also that the only thing to waste from an ox is a yawn. Whatever that meant.

Though Woohyun grew up to be a hard worker with a strong and athletic body and an equally strong mind, he had always been a dreamer. It worried his parents to no end when he would sing songs about becoming a hero who rode on horse back. After all, he was just a lowly peasant farmer, he had no place to be dreaming in such ways. "Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning." And his planning paid off. When he moved away from the farm after earning a position as a stable hand for a nobleman, it was sad, but his parents were proud, though surprised. He thought his dreams were coming true. Little did he know that it was that day that his fate would be locked down.

"It was a splendid summer morning and it seemed like nothing could go wrong." He died the summer after the tragic accident that rattled the nobleman's household, and after he had been sold to a new master. It was the same new master that beat Woohyun to death on a warm summer afternoon in the forest behind his stables after Woohyun said something out of turn about a guilty secret they shared. The world had thought it had seen the last of Nam Woohyun. But a place like this always needs dreamers and idea creators. People willing to step out and be the hero. And so he got the chance to come back. Adjusting was rough, but he did it. And now he's looking for a new adventure, one to top his last. "To die would be an awfully big adventure."

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