●●● kim ryeowook ● jun.21.1987 ● 173cm ● type O●●●
yesung notice me
love me like im the only guy in your life
●●● remember the past, but look towards the future
history history history history history history history history
history history history history history history history history
history history history history history history history history
history history history history history history history history
●●● love is in the air
To my cute little boyfriend named BamBam
It's been long time huh..? We liked each other
since we were paired I couldn't control my feelings when
I asked you out I thought I was acting quickly.
I want to cherish every moment with you for
I love you and you are the only one for me Kunpimook Bhuwakul
●●● you make my life complete●●●
bambam ♡ bacon ♡ kai ♡ dara ♡ minnie ♡ yoona