Personal Message

Yoon Bomi...



TheCutieHasArrived !! 
 yoon bomi   a-pink   august 13, 1993   164 cm   47 kg   type o   lead vocalist & main dancer 

Hey guys~ I'm Yoon Bomi but just call me Bomi or any nickname you like ^^
About me?...Hmm...Where do I begin haha~
I'm not perfect but I do try my best to be there for everyone
I love to be myself around others and not just keep to myself all the time because it gets lonely and depressing
I'm always trying to be cheerful and happy, even when I'm miserable so I can brighten up everyone's day
I also love to cook, bake, read and help many people as much as I can
Enough about me >< Come talk to me cause I want to know about you too~
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Happily Taken || Kikwangual || Prince Charming Olaf || 122014 || Prince Kikwangie

Hi oppa~
I just wanted to give you a little message here and a little picture spam after this.
I still can't believe that I can call you mine, to me it felt like love at first sight.
You make me so happy and feel butterflies inside my tummy hehe~
You mean too much to me that I can't let you go.
You're so cute, sweet and adorkable and hoefully in the future you'll show me your y side that all the fans tell me about *blushes deeply, looking away*
I hope we last long and stick together no matter what happens.
Hopefully we stay forever and live old together too haha, with all the wrinkles and everything~
Thank you for chosing me to be your teddy bear, I'll cherish that spot forever <3
I also hope that we work together too cause then we'll be working together side by side and have the same schedules
Anyway I'll see you soon, Olaf~
~My prince charming Olaf, Kikwang, since 12/20/14~
(Your pic spam is at the bottom teehee~)



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~Bomi (Me ^^)~
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~My Oppa Kikwangie <3~