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Name: Choi Minho

Age: 23 


Minho isn’t a typical alpha, as he was raised by his omega mother for his whole childhood and into his early teens. While his alpha father was busy going around to find alliances, and to seek out a different warm body each night, he was taught morals and manners. As it was, his happiness and carefreeness wouldn’t last. One night the pack was attacked and his mother perished while his father had barely been left alive as other pack member’s families were torn apart. From that night onwards, he had to raise himself all the while handling alpha duties and tasks while searching for the one who would complete him. Minho isn’t one to discriminate or abuse somebody of lower rank, rather going out of his way to help them. Which has made him seem weak and a laughingstock to the other alphas but he doesn’t mind because he’ll always keep his mother’s lessons close to his heart.