Personal Message





Merry Christmas krysie. Matching shoes for you, your hubby and your two little cuties. Stay healthy. ^^



- dani was here~ ♡ -

Soojungie, to you, my princess, fiancee, my wife.To be in love is one of the most magical experiences that life offers, and being in love with you makes me the luckiest and happiest living person on this earth, because for those who are lucky, those who manage to find true love, I am one of them and I found my true love, you, Soojung, you are my true love.Not a day goes by when my mind does not think of you, you are the reason behind every joy that has been a part of my life, You are the one who made me see the beauty of things. Before you came into my life, I was sad, Alone and broken. Then you came in and turned my world around and changed everything for the better. I cannot thank you enough, I cannot explain how much I truly am in love with you. You are every dream of mine come true and I love you with all my heart and soul.Soojungie, my true love. Thank you.
From your Prince Charming, Taemin


Born with the name of Jung Soojung but well known as Krystal. She's in charge as the Lead Vocalist and Maknae of the group, f(x). She's also the younger sister of Jessica Jung and she love her unnie so much. Krystal love eating so much. Her favorite food are pasta, bread, ice cream, ddeobukki, kimchi jigae and cake. She also love to making new friends and hangout with her friends. So don't be afraid and come talk to her. she won't bite..


Special People


y Lover


A y and good looking guy name Lee Taemin stole my heart long time ago. He's now my prince, my husband, the father of my babies and my everything. He always filled my day with happiness. What is me without my hubby? i was totally the empty shell. yeah~~ without him my day will be so empty and lonely.. He is part of my life and he make me complete so much. meeting him is the most happiest part of my life. and now living as his wife make me even happier than before. regret never come to me ever since i meet him. "I Love You so much", "Thank you for loving me" and "Thanks for being the part of my life" is the words i always wanted to say to him. I hope our love will last till infinity.



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