Personal Message

about Me

they lose their mind for us

Born in a small village far from the danger in the city, Baekhyun once lived a pleasant and normal life. He had a brave father who was once a swordsman in the imperial star guard and a beautiful mother who loved him without doubt. He grew up hearing about his father's stories about the palace and imagining the city as a wonderful paradise where no one was starving or sad. Until he turned 14, he was taught martial arts by his father so he could achieve his dream of being part of the imperial guard. at age 14, baekhyun lost both of his parents on the same day. His father died of sickness and his mother ran away to the city after coming to the conclusion that she couldn't take care of baekhyun all by herself. until the exact day he turned 15, he believe that his mother would come back to the village and take him to the city. On that day, he finally realized his mother wasn't going to come back and on that day, he started his journey to the city. Just as he passed the city gate, he knew the city wasn't what he thought it was. He could already see the poor begging for coins and the difference between the rich and the poor. Within his first week in the big city, he was accepted into guard academy and within his first three weeks at the academy, he could tell this life style wasn't something he enjoyed. He wanted to actually feel an adrenaline rush and do something more dangerous. All things that the academy couldn't provide baekhyun with. The academy became something he hated even more after he discovered that his mother had run away to someone with tight connections with the imperial guard and left him to survive alone. He finally had something to fight against. For months, he searched for Heuksa Chorong until he finally found the leader. Seeing his interest in becoming an assassin and his skill with a sword, the leader then took him in. For his final test, he had to kill an old grandma who took him after she found him curled up in an alley with nowhere else to stay and no money.


Baekhyun is a little ball of energy. He's usually talkative, hyper and almost never really serious unless he's in a gloomy mood or if he's in danger. He's optimistic and usually only sees the positive parts of people. During missions or anything that involves the Imperial Star Guard, he becomes a completely different person. He becomes completely silent and doesn't utter a single word. He's quite the perfictionist and he hates making even the smallest of mistakes. To some, his short stature may seem like a big disadvantage, but to him it is his biggest advantage. With his small size, he can easily avoid most attacks and fit in small spaces to hide. He also uses his voice and his feminine face to charm and seduce almost anyone. Most of the time on missions that involves killing someone on his own, he crossdresses then after he's 100% sure the target is charmed, he kills them without hesitation. When he's pissed off, he kills mercilessly and without a single thought in his head. He becomes a killing machine that no one but his superiors can stop. His weapons of choice are his dual long knives or his nodachi sword or his bow and arrow.  He's best with any type of sword, but he's also decent with a bow.


and the cry goes out

001 - [ 0/1 ; for the one and only ] under co.

002 - Ut egestas nibh in nisl aliquet vestibulum. Curabitur cursus enim ex, eget sodales ipsum vulputate id. Sed egestas ante eros, eget egestas est luctus sed.

003 - Cras ut ornare felis. Maecenas elementum dolor in augue imperdiet facilisis. Curabitur convallis hendrerit sapien vel varius.

004 - Nam sit amet tortor gravida, bibendum diam vel, dapibus elit. Cras ut ornare felis.

005 - Maecenas elementum dolor in augue imperdiet facilisis.

006 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

007 - In blandit fringilla feugiat.



The sun's starting to light up when
we're walking home
Tired little laughs, gold lie promises
We'll always win at this, I don't ever think about death
It's alright if you do, it's fine


PLease do poke me if i dont reply within 2 days. I Tend to forget to reply sometimes or i just overlook some things... if you give me a one liner, you get one back. i try to write as much as you give me.  i may not be super good at things like , but i'll try my best! c:

dont mess with them



20 years old