
name: hanji zoe
age: 30

position: squad leader/commander
writing style: semi-para
uality: aual 

+ ooc
since i won't be fancying up my profile, i'd keep it nice and clean this way. But i want to let you know a few stuffs:
- i'm a graduating student, so don't expect speedy replies.
- as mentioned, my writing style is mostly semi-para. but i'm actually pretty flexible.
- give me a one-line and i won't ever hesitate to bash your brains out.
- plotting is a big yes. I'd like to go with a plot rather to wing it.
- you ask, you start. Let's use that kind of system.
- given that I'm using a character from the series itself, I suppose there'll be no need to put any description. I'll do my best to keep in character, anyway.