Personal Message
Heo Youngji AKA Sera
20 years old
11 years at the Cirque
Heo Youngji
Age 20
Single; Biual
Age 20
Single; Biual
Eleven years at the Cirque
Np: tove lo - habits
Youngji seemed normal at birth. She looked like your normal, average baby; two arms, two legs, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, nothing abnormal. Well, except maybe the two little marks near her shoulder blades. But her parents just assumed they were a birthmark of some sort. It wasn't until she was about a year that the signs started showing. Youngji was always crying and spouting out gibberish about her back hurting. Her parents brushed it off, saying it was probably growing pains, but when do you get growing pains in your back? Exactly, never. Finally after about a week of her complaining, they finally took a look at her back, finding the two marks on her back completely red. When they couldn't figure out what was wrong, they took her to a doctor, and even he was puzzled. Instead of telling her parents that, he ruled it as a rash of some kind and sent them home with a cream that should help. Of course it didn't.
Youngji's whining got worse and her crying got more frequent, beginning to drop tears while at day care, almost screaming in baby talk that her back really hurt. Her parents didn't know what to do at this point, having no other choice but to check her back again to see how bad the "rash" was. They were met with a surprise this time, finding feathers barely sprouting from the two marks, and when they tugged on them, Youngji let out a painful cry. That was when her parents realized that their normal daughter suddenly wasn't so normal anymore.
After a lot of fussing and use of pain killers, baby Youngji had gotten used to the uncomfortable pain by her shoulder blades. It took about a year and a half for her wings to fully grow, and even then they weren't done growing, because technically the wings got bigger the more Youngji herself grew up. She was taken out of day care when it started getting hard to hide the wings under shirts and jackets, and was then home schooled when she was of age to start Kindergarten.
She didn't really go outside much; she basically never did. As a result, Youngji didn't really have anyone her age to play with, and when she was 7, her parents had another child. A normal baby whom they could do normal things with. Things they obviously couldn't do with her. She suddenly felt outcasted by her own parents, leaving them be and doing her work when she was told, watching from a distance as they took her sister to day care and left her to go pick her up, taking her to friend's houses for play dates. She felt as if her parents didn't notice her anymore, and that the only way would be if she started doing something big. So she said she wanted to learn piano and wanted to draw. Though, they said she couldn't because nobody could teach her, not without finding out about her having wings.
Determined to get her parents attention, a now 8 year old Youngji taught herself these things, or at least tried to, having trouble without an actual teacher. Instead, she was often scolded for getting marker on the table or playing the piano too loudly to where her sister couldn't sleep. When she turned 9, her parents had decided to move where not many people were so Youngji could play outside, and she finally felt like her parents cared again. Upon seeing the big backyard, she was out there a lot. Especially when she realized she could fly; she had wings, so why not. Of course, she had to teach herself. Youngji would watch birds fly and tried copying them. It took a while, but she was finally able to lift herself off the ground for a couple of seconds about a month or so later.
Everyday after she finished her school work, she could go outside and work on her flying, and eventually her landing when she got that good. When she turned 10, her parents found out about the Cirque, a place where there were people just like Youngji. They explained to her it was a good thing and they sent her there. She felt like she belonged there and didn't have to try and hide herself anymore. But she couldn't get rid of the thought that her parents sent her away on purpose. So they could focus on her (normal) baby sister.
Where are you?? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad min.
First Friend Forever ( 0/1 | Male/Female | Open )
This person was Youngji's first ever friend at the Cirque and in her life. Having wings made it impossible for her to go outside and go to school like a normal person, so she was always boxed in the four walls of her house. That means she never had friends and she didn't know such a thing existed. When she first comes to the Cirque they were nice enough to friend the clueless child and show her the ropes, but they ended up staying with her even after that was done because they realized she was alone. Since then the two became inseparable, the bond becoming so strong that Youngji changed, 'Best Friend Forever' to 'First Friend Forever'
What's a Crush? ( 0/1 | Male | Open )
A few months after Youngji joined the Cirque, there was one boy that caught her attention. This being the beginning of her being able to be outside and with others like her, Youngji didn't know there was this thing called a "crush" which was when you "liked a person" and she didn't understand this. Until he came along. It was a pretty much puppy love, and being the shy person she was, she always watched from afar and never really approached him. As they got older he eventually found out somehow and still teases Youngji to this day about it, "You still like me though, right?"
Coming Out ( 0/1 | Female | Open )
Youngji had a vague idea of the different orientations in the world around her teens, but she assumed that she was straight her whole life until she was 15. At this age, there was a new girl she met and suddenly started becoming attracted to her. She didn't understand, she liked boys. After a lot of thinking, she decided to tell this girl and instead of ignoring her or brushing the subject off, she kindly explained that liking both genders was a thing. She was even nice enough to help her come out to people. To this day, Youngji still talks to her and asks her certain questions about being biual that she doesn't know or things she gets curious about.
First ( 0/1 | Male/Female | Open )
Youngji is a girl who still hasn't had her first kiss. This person is a friend she hangs out when things get hard or she has a bad day, just when she needs to vent; They're a good listener. They're also somebody who cares about Youngji a lot and knows that she's never been kissed, so they offer to kiss her because they want her first to be with somebody who actually cares about her. She surprisingly agrees, but don't be shocked if they end up having to teach her how to kiss first.
Pure.... or Maybe Not ( 0/1 | Male | Open )
If it wasn't obvious already, Youngji's never had . In fact, she doesn't really know what it is. She knows it's how babies are made, but she doesn't really know what it is and it's meaning. There's this guy who's pretty close to her and she lets the question, "what's like?" slip from and he tries his best to explain. And then in probably the most innocent tone ever, she asks him to show her (well, this obviously has in it if it wasn't obvious, haha).
Adventurous or Troublemaker? ( 0/1 | Male/Female | Open )
This person claims to be somebody who likes adventures and finding new things. In reality, they're somebody who just causes trouble. Youngji doesn't know this and being the naive person she is, she can't see the signs. She only sees somebody who can show her new things that she couldn't do growing up, not somebody who could possibly get her in trouble. Will they give her a break or show her things she shouldn't get into? (I'm not really sure where this can go because if you think about it, it can kinda lead to as well. Idk I guess it can just depend on who asks to take this plot)