Call Me Gray
Lee Sunghwa is at your service, but please call me Gray. A producer, rapper, writer and singer for the company AOMG (Above Ordinary Music Group) or what we like to call it for fun, Artist Only Money Getters. Currently 28 years old, and born on December 8 of 1986. Currently taken by Jeon Jiyoon or well now better known as Lee Jiyoon and her daughter Leesun, so with them and I'll you up.
As for my orientation, its very obvious that since I am married to a woman that I am straight. I don't plan on changing that and nor am I really in the place to since I am taken.
For friends, well I'm an open book. Please do talk to me and we can talk and maybe become friends. No clingy people please and no one who will try and break apart my family.
Jeon Jiyoon
I'm not really good with words unless it's in a rap or in a song, so this is proving to be quite a challenge for me. When I told you I loved you, your reaction was really ing cute.. Just know Jiyoon that you can trust my love completely, and that everything I say to you, I mean from the bottom of my heart. I'll never let anyone hurt you, and I promise to protect you at any cost.
February 27 was an important day for the two of us, it was the day that we said our vows. It wasnt a huge ceremony, but our closest friends were there to share the moment with us. Now I look forward to the future as a family of no longer just 3 but 4.
Little Troublemakers
LEESUN: Although the relation by blood is a whopping zero, this child and myself are definitely a family. Blood isnt what brings a family together, it's love, and in my mind there is no doubt that I love this child just as much as I love her mother, and her future sibling. I have taken the father role in her life, and the love between the two of us is the same as you would see in a normal family. Leesun, I'll promise to always be the man in your life, until you grow up and find your prince. Until then, stay little.
JIMIN: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis augue purus, interdum in erat vel, pretium iaculis arcu. Praesent vel molestie leo, at porta nulla. Donec sagittis neque risus, sit amet commodo ipsum pretium eget. Vivamus convallis sit amet ex a porttitor. In et eros nulla. Sed pretium bibendum diam. Nam metus tellus, lacinia a tempus eget, lacinia quis lorem. Suspendisse vitae vulputate purus, vitae viverra felis. In in libero turpis. Phasellus convallis lobortis nisl id convallis. Praesent interdum nunc id elit varius, quis tincidunt turpis molestie. Maecenas at nulla quam.
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