Kwon Hyukwoo
About Me
Aye there. The name is Kwon Hyukwoo but I refuse to go by that so you should absolutely most definitely call me Loco. The reason for my stage name? I used to get pissed drunk in college and then would go onstage and was pretty crazy. Hence the meaning of Loco: Crazy.
I'm currently with the company AOMG, run my Jay Park and Simon D. I originally won the first season of the rap show, "Show Me The Money" but wasn't doing so well in the company I was in afterwards and eventually I sought out to seek a better one. That was when I joined VV:D with Crush, Gray and a few others, and then when Gray introduced me to Jay and I joined AOMG.
I'm currently taken by none other than the Goddess Soyou from Sistar. Don't mess with her okay gentlemen?
Baby, I Only Have You
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Put Yo Hands Up