Personal Message
18 years old

They love me 'cause I'm real.
So You wanna know me?

Bam, never having any kind of family or support system, can become very possessive of people who he feels are 'his'. He doesn't like doing what others tell him to do, but he's patient enough to let them know repeatedly that he won't succumb. Because there are people who he feels are 'his', he is also very loyal to that person, never trying to rid himself of them or hurt them in any way. If people turn him down or deny him what he wants, he keeps trying. Some call it persistence, others call it stubbornness. 
Into my world
Bam didn't seem to have any mental illnesses when he was recruited into the freak show, so he was classified as 'non-dangerous'. With his dancing skills, he mastered lap dancing and pole dancing with grace. Because of his personality, he usually doesn't mind when he's 'bought' and made to perform any ual or entertaining task for spectators. However, he hates sitting in his cage all day, so he tends to lure men to his cage with suggestive comments just to get out. 
kunpimook bhuwakul
Aka: bambam
OOC Corner:

+ share love not hate
+ it's rare for me to have pre-written plots up because  I like plotting with people personally
+ I might ask for one of your plots for Bam, but please don't try to force your plots down my throat. If he doesn't fit it, we aren't doing it.
+ I'm EST/UTC-5
+ please don't poke me. I got your replies, boo.