Personal Message
If it has a star (*) It's M-rated or could possibly be.
If it has two stars (**) M-ratedness everywhere
♦=infinite spaces
*||Plot 1||
||Caught Yo Lackin|| B.D. members only|| M/F || open|| (0/1)||Done ny Jinah before
You've been getting a little too close with someone from another gang, causing Jongin to question your loyalty to the gang, you either stop... Or get punished
||Plot 2||
||Hey your nice...Wait..Your in a gang? Which gang? ...|| Anyone outside of B.D.||M/F|| Name/s|| (0/♦)||
You and Jongin naturally become friends, but then he finds out what gang you are from...
**||Plot 3||
||I'm Yours|| Anyone|| M/F||name|| (0/1)||
Jongin is basically your little toy/ from now on... "Do whatever you want to me~"
**||Plot 4||
||Fifty Shades of Kim Jongin (/Smacked; It sounds catchy though)|| Anyone|| M/F||Name/s|| (0/3)||
(*Inserts Rihanna's S&M Here* It's kind of like "I'm Yours" But flipped)
"You know a great mixture?" Jongin asked with a slight smirk crawling on his lips, "Pleasure and pain, bend over and I'll give you both"
||Plot 5||
||Welcome to hell, but hey at least we have cookies|| B.D. Members only|| M/F ||Name/s|| (o/)||
Welcome to being a gangster! Probably wasn't your choice but meh, Kai is your personal tour of being a gansgter and will teach you everything you need to know so don't worry
*||Plot 6||
||Trouble in a double|| Anyone || M/F|| CL|| (1/1)||#taken
You and Kai are basically partners in crime "Let's cause a mess, okay?"
||Plot 7||
||On The Run|| Cop|| M/F|| Name|| (0/1)||
You have been trying to catch Jongin for a long time now, and you finally have. What will you do with him? Sadly, arresting him is not an option.
/will make more when I feel like it