Personal Message

OOC Time (Read Please~~) ^_^

  1. My timezone is GMT+9 (if anyone wanna know)
  2. English is not my native language, meaning I might do some spelling or grammars errors
  3. I can do 3rd and 1stpov (so, your choice)
  4. My writing style is semi-para and mirror a bit, meaning I might do long and short replies (depends on my idea that time)
  5. I’m okay with both plotting and winging it
  6. You can poke me if I forgot to reply or late to reply since I’m forgetful (but don’t poke a lot, I might be annoyed by that u.u)
  7. I’m friendly and cheerful in real life~ ^o^
  8. My network connection is a bit unstable (just to let you know)
  9. I kinda bad in making the starter but I still can make it tho~
  10. Last but not least… let’s be friends shall we?
Biual | Single
18 | Cero's Twin
Death Weapon
Cheerful and friendly

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