Personal Message
hamburger from vee <3
from your love shoemin <3
well hello there, the one and only jackson wang, at
YOUR SERVICE. MASTER OF ANNOYING MY HYUNGS, AND PRINCE TO A BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. some people call me cocky, I wouldn't know why. I'd call myself funny, but that's really an opinionated word now isn't it. talk to me, i'll show you to a good time. i'm friendly, so talk to me. i don't bite, most of the time.
My shoemin, my love, my beautiful princess:
baby where do i even start? when i first met you, i knew i wanted you to be mine. it was like love at first sight, as cheesy as it may sound. i wanted you to be my little baozi, only mine. I love everything about you baby, your smile, your laugh, your hair, your eyes, your hugs, your kisses, everything. i honestly don't know what i'd do without you love. i know we've been through a lot, but lets let our happy moments outweigh the other's alright. i love you, and i'll always be here for you.
thank you for being in my life<3 ~your prince