Yoon Bomi
Yoon Bomi
Yoon Bomi
My story
Bomi was born August 3,1993.Her mother was mermaid and her father was a human.Bomi never met her father.She wasn't allowed outside the palace unless someone was with her.She never thought wrong about humans.Her mother made the rule she couldn't go anywhere unsupervised, since there were humans that were hunting down mermaids.Sadly Bomi made the mistake to sneak out to see the whole ocean but when her mother found out she went looking for.Once Bomi returned her mom wasn't there,her mother was killed by humans.Ever since then Bomi didn't dare to trust any human.But she still went out to explore the sea.Bomi is very shy and timid but once you get to know her she is very energetic,random and silly. Once she sees a humn she quickly swims back to the castle so if your a human don't be suprised if bomi doesn't talk to you.
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