Personal Message

Choi Seunghyun
27 Years Old. Single. Homoual. Mafia.
Seunghyun is one of the most controling mafia members there is, and he is proud of himself for that. He loves the thought of being able to control someone, and just not care about them. He wants someone to own, and make them do anything and everything he says. Seunghyun also loves to have all the time. If he is not gambling, then you might find him in someones bed or in the bathroom screwing some poor fool. He doesn't want a realtionship at the moment, but that doesn't mean he won't trick someone into marrying him for money. He wants kids so he can train them to be the best gambler after him, and train them to fool people into money. Who will be that lucky person? Who knows. Seunghyun is also looking for a pet, and he won't stop looking until he has the perfect pet!!!! They must fit the needs below!!! Are you the perfect pet?

Pets: -------- & --------
Number of Slaves: 0/3
Number of Childern: 0/2
Pictures Of His Pets: