░ delilah ░
- KWON TAEWOON - 182CM - STUDENT - credits -
About me here! Kwon Taewoon is the Name, 15 years living in this World and born on May 14, 1999 in Seoul, South Korea, and 182cm tall. Dancing is my world, and Music is my life. I love soccer and any kinds of sports. Im Funny, and Talkative when you got to close with me, sometimes childish and changes mood fast. Talk to me if you want to be friends with me, I'm shy to approach others thats why sometimes I look cold and doesn't talk too much 'cause I dont know what to say. I Have a older brother,Kwon Taesun
❛You're mine, and I'm never letting you go.❜
Lover's name // since; ddmmyy
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Lover's name // since; ddmmyy
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