layout made by @ vinegar
〈 jungkook --- kookie 

My name is jungkook, i go by kookie or the golden maknae. I'm the cutest member of Bts ( bangtan boys ) i joined this roleplay yesterday, but I got paired by this beatiful-cutest girl, I met her yesterday, too but she really makes me smile. like you don't even know, she is the one for me, i would say, i can't live without her, she is truly mine, ot girlfriend /smirks/
//More about me//.
- i'm 17, almost 18
- my birthday is on september 1. 
so please give me love. c:
- my favorte food is things
that have flour, such as pizza, 
bread, etc.
- favorite colors are red, black
and white.
- i love drawing, the number 1,
and a sunny day with a breeze,
and my lovely girl, yoona <3
want to know about me, talk to 
me, i don't bite ;) don't be afraid!