Personal Message

amber jospehine liu

"There are many unusual things in this world, and people...people are the most mysterious of them all. - Yuuko Ichihara

About Me


My mother is a high-class woman. My father was once middle class. He was hired as a servant to her family and, like in the fairytales, they fell in love. I was their child, first born in their dreams. Their love affair grew complicated though when she began to seemingly grow ill. She was pregnant with their dream child, the servant's child. A maid helped her give birth in what she thought was secret, but it was no secret. Her parents already knew. They threatened to have me and my father killed for potentially, as in almost, ruining her chances of her arranged marriage to the son of another wealthy family, and also for coming close to causing a scandal with the family name. My mother promised to give my father and I up if they would leave the both of us alone. They promised. They lied. They punished him for "crossing lines," "seducing" their daughter, and for "leading her on." They took and destroyed everything he owned. I was the only thing he fought for, the last thing he would be allowed to have, the only thing he would be able to keep that could remind him of his true love. As a result, we have been forced to live in the village, to become a member of the low class. I was able to attend high school. My father refused to tell me how we could afford it, but it happened. I gave up trying to pry it out of him. It was during that time though that I learned of my ability. He would always have nightmares, which I can recall started somewhere in my childhood, even before I can actually remember, I'm sure. They never stopped. The ones he had while I was in high school were the exact same ones that I remember him having even when I was a child, ones that woke him in the middle of the night, screaming and even crying. Sometimes, he would even have trouble breathing or would feel like he couldn't move. When I was young, I would see images of him fighting for his life, for both of our lives. I would always see him struggle. In my dreams, I began to fight for him, protect him and cheer him up. As I got older, I couldn't help wanting to protect him from whatever was continuing to ruin him from the inside out. I began to sneak into his room and sleep by his bedside while he slept. I had managed to enter his dreams, to turn his nightmares into sweet dreams. I keep my power a secret from everyone, including my father. Now, I live my days working to save money for college. I want to continue taking care of my father.

Name: Amber Josephine Liu Orientation: Panual
Age: 20 Relationship Status: Single
Power: Dream/Nightmare Manipulation Occupation/Class: Farmer's Market Worker/Low Class

My Favorites

Hover over each image to find out more, this can be replaced to people if desired.


Out of Character

Plot One: xx. ( open | xx | xx ) Genres: x. (Possible: x)

Plot Two: xx. ( open | xx | xx ) Genres: x (Possible: x) 

Plot Three: xx. ( open | xx | xx )Genres: x. (Possible: x)

Plot Four: xx. ( open | xx | xx )Genres: x. (Possible: x)

Plot Five: xx ( open | xx | xx )Genres: x. (Possible: x)

Time Zone: -05:00 GMT / EST Status: Slow Replies (until break)
Online Availability: Varies. Writing Style: Lit, Para. Third
Disclaimer: Possible Mature content will be present. Kakao/LINE: AmbieAssassin.