
Too much.

Too close.

Han Jaejoon | Feb.4.1986 | 180cm | 63kg | Type O

About Hero Jaejoong

A rude, indifferent, take no bull rock god that everyone lusts for. The man is revered for his talents as an artist and his gorgeous features, his signature smirk making both women and men alike ache between their legs. His seductive gaze, fluid body movements and husky voice just oozing , are incomparable. Being able to sing, dance, compose music, compose lyrics, you name it, he can do it. He is well known globally, loved and obsessed over by many, despite his prickly nature. He is arrogant and haughty and people will do whatever for him, he knows it too. Most of his concerts are 18+ and even if it's not rated, minors should definitely be accompanied by an adult because the superstar is ing unpredictable. Being rich, powerful and full of talent, he sounds perfect. However controversy follows him everywhere, from drunken to alchohol abuse and even violence. Stories made up by the press to bring him down, yet he never loses to the gossip. Though he has slept with many people, a number he really doesn't want to think about, he has never been in any , drunk or not. Although... some stories about his alcohol abuse are true, the man having to go to rehabilitation twice. The alcohol just helped him forget, so he kept drinking. He is now over his addiction to the stuff and only opts for a few glasses or maybe bottles on occassion. As for violence, he prefers to fight with words and death glares than actual fists, but he doesn't put it past himself to throw punches once in a while. He didn't study martial arts for nothing. Despite his harsh words, the not so appealing gossip and callous nature, the rock icon has won the allegiance of many with his enthralling and exhilirating music, commanding prescence, captivating voice and unique pout. The rock star has everyone wrapped around his little finger. But behind those shades, lie a different man altogether.  

About Kim Jaejoong

A private, painfully shy and self conscious man. This is the sweeter side of Jaejoong, the more considerate side. This is the man that wrote a ballad for his fans, that filed a lawsuit against his own agency when he wanted to host charity concerts in Japan with all proceedings going to the Japan Earthquake Relief fund. The man that changed his name to protect his family from rabid fans, the one that stopped his own concert to take his bandmate to the hospital when a poorly built support beam fell on him mid-song. The man whose heartache caused him to create a mask called Hero Jaejoong, to protect his own fragile self from more pain. From the twinge when he hears all the critizism even when he has done well, to the self conscious itch when people comment on his facial features and the harsh words spat at him by people he thought he could trust, all of it. The man who can easily find innuendo in everything, the one who, after all the stress, broke down and decided he wanted to sleep... forever. Luckily, a member of his band found him and quickly took the unconscious man to the hospital. The real Kim Jaejoong, hidden under sunglasses and face masks and layers of BB cream and eyeliner.   

pov; 1st or 3rd   position; top or bottom   body mods; piercings and tattoos   thoughts; ---

Don't touch me.

Born to a less than well supported family, Kim Jaejoong was a modest and humble child with loving parents and a dream to become a doctor like his father, who was currently studying to become one. However the talent recruit came knocking and the entertainment company bled his family dry with "training fees". Unable to supply funding for both, Jaejoong's father had to give up his dream to allow his son to join the new world he was fascinated in and fell back on his job as a teacher at a local high school. After leaving the group he debuted with behind, or more like they left him, he made a contract with a new company, which he hates just as much as his old one, and became the cynical rock star he is today. With the support of thousands, perhaps millions of fans all across the globe and practically the whole country of Japan that has fallen in love with his style of music so similar to their own visual kei, Hero Jaejoong has thrown away his first five years as a pop idol and became a well known asian sensation. (See how I made that rhyme?) 

Go Away.
"I don't need to be around people who only like my fame."

relationship status; single
ideal type; n\a
taken by; ---
since; ---

Why do you try? You'll just fail.

(name) - (name) - (name) - (name) - (name)

咖啡  layoutshop 

This character is inspired by beeswaxing's Hero Jaejoong in Ice.