

 Jeon Hojoon


"My glasses are a part of my body"


Um... Hi, I'm Hojoon and I'm 22 years old. So you wanted to know a bit more about me? Well I don't think there's much you need to know about me. I sort of run on a strict schedule and I guess some people can say that's pretty boring. Apparent;y I intruge a lot of people because I don't really talk much unless I have to and can come off a bit shy and innocent my in truth I have my secrets... more than a few actually. Sure I may flush when people may talk about and not so innocent things and don't really do anything if Irecieve any abuse but when put in the actualy situation I am unexpectingly different. When I can be more than a bit and am a lot stronger than I look. I also sorta have a secret life where I rap, dance and even sing but no one knows that. I think that's it. Sorry for taking up your time.... *flushes and runs off*








